Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sickness in the Life and Times of Me...

Well, yesterday was a complete bust for pretty much anything, sadly. I had some writing plans aside from the blog but at about 1 p.m. a very nasty tummy bug pretty much laid me out. In and out of the bathroom, the tub, and the bed, I am pretty sure I wore a track in the floor.

At about 7 p.m. I was finally unconscious, which meant missing out on one of my favorite shows; America's Next Top Model. It's just about the only show I watch religiously, and even though the girls on the show are constantly at each other, I watch it more for the photo shoots and creativity portions of it than anything else. I suppose I will have to catch the missed episode online sometime this week.

I am still feeling the echoes of my sickness this morning, but at least I am able to function at fifty percent rather than not at all. I hope to get some of these ideas out of my head before they disappear into the ether, so today may be a sitting still and writing day.

I'll post another blog post tonight in order to make up for the lost blog yesterday. I hope you are all having a wonderful day.

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