Friday, February 25, 2011

Scott Walker Asked to Leave Local Restaurant

Come looking for an article about Scott Walker being booted from a Madison restaurant? Yes, you came to the right place, but at the request of the restaurant owner due to abusive phone calls, the article has been hidden for the time being.

This raises a wonderful point. Why should a restaurant owner be afraid to refuse service to any person? Would the same people have started calling that restaurant and making threats if the person they asked to leave was Black? Muslim? Democrat? No. No they would not.

For those of you who know which restaurant it is, please, at the request of the owner, do not share this information. Not only are they getting TONS of supporter phone calls, but very nasty and threatening ones as well. This is their place of business, and as with any business they have the right to refuse service to anyone. When I have talked again with the owner, the content may be visible once more but while you are waiting, please discuss what YOU think about being able to refuse service to ANYONE, even if that someone is a government official.

Thanks so much for your patience.

Naomi Houser

By ANY person, I don't mean discriminatory reasons. I had assumed that was given, but I suppose on the internet you never know. So yeah, NOT discriminatory reasons to refuse service...

*Update! 9:54am*
To respond, yes I have seen the other blogs out there claiming this is all a hoax. Since I have responded to those blogs and they have yet to get back to me, I will respond here because I believe in a certain amount of transparency.

On the "recorded phone conversation" to be found out there on the web, the blogger claims that the establishment denies this happened in their restaurant. From what I can make of it, it sounds to me like they don't want to give a statement one way or the other. I would assume that this is because of what I have already stated, which is because they are receiving threatening phone calls from crazed right wing people. Also on this "recording" you can apparently hear them pulling the blog post down. Well, that's just funny. I have been at this blog for more than a year, and before this no mention is ever made of this establishment because I have never been there. I don't live in the same city, or even county. What it sounds like to me is they are reading the blog for the first time, which is most likely the case. Also, there are bloggers saying that they spoke to Walker's staff and they said he was never at the establishment. Firstly, if it were my boss, I probably wouldn't spread that around either. Secondly, I doubt they reached any staff at all. Their phones have been ringing off the hook with more important questions than where the Governor is dining. As for this being a publicity stunt, it's not. I wouldn't have pulled the post and gone to all the trouble of trying to get people to remove the establishment's name if it was. It's because crazy idiots are threatening their well being. I think have said that three or four times now...

I share this blog with my friends. It's not something that ever gets read except by people who love and support me. That anyone else read it was quite the shock. Call that irresponsible journalism if you'd like, and that's fine. I did the responsible thing and pulled the post when I was asked to because of the threats the establishment is receiving. None of it is a hoax, none of it was or is a lie. For those of you who believe it is, it's not in my power or patience to pander to every question you have but I can try. This page links to my Facebook which I check most often. You can send me a message there, or leave a comment with your email address and question and I will try to get back to you. Because the comments are moderated, no one but me will see your email address or question comment, unless you would like them to.

In the meantime, it is looking like the only people actually posting the name and number are the crazed right wingers who are making the threatening phone calls. I wish they would give me the go-ahead to tell their name because they could really use the support right now.

Have a great day everyone.

*Updated - 11:49am*

Very sorry about the internet silence, I needed to take a couple of days away from this madness. It's not often that I get this much mail and hatred pointed at me, so it was rather new. All of the comments except those that contained the establishment's name in it have been posted, even the ones insulting or harassing me. Not sure why someone would think that there's something in my "KOOLAID", but I suppose that everyone is entitled to their opinion.

I was asked to tell about how I had heard about this so that it might better clarify things, and I happen to think that's a wonderful idea. I have a friend on Facebook who had mentioned it and posted a link to the restaurant's website. I asked her if she had a source for that, and she had had friends who were there that night. I called the place and spoke to a very nice gentleman bartender who confirmed it, but he wasn't boastful. It was more or less that they asked him to leave politely and no political affiliation was asked or offered. After what I am assuming to be Badger Blogger's phone call (where you hear them reading the post for what I assume to be the first time), a person from the establishment sent me an email via Facebook asking me to remove the post because of the threats they were receiving. I'd provide a screen grab of this mail for verification, but I really don't have any desire to give this any more of my time or attention attempted to prove its validity.

I am an honest person. I have nothing to gain or lose from this, except perhaps the kind words being sent to me via Facebook, or the disgusting and degrading remarks I receive here. It's no secret that I tend to the Left politically, but not aggressively so. I would never say to people the things that have been said to me lately, nor would I make character assumptions based upon a single or several blog posts having to do with that person. I tend to get along with everyone because of my tolerance and respect for ALL people, left/right, christian/non-christian, whatever. Any of the people that know me from more than this blog would tell you that, though I would never ask them to involve themselves in any of this. I don't need someone to tell the angry people what I already know. That's all that matters, really.

No matter your politic stance right now, Wisconsin is going through a really tough time. We all need to remember to show respect for each other. To listen with our ears and our hearts. To practice love.

I don't really think I have anything left to say on the matter. You keep commenting, and I will keep posting them (minus the restaurant's name of course). I will respond to those things that I feel need my attention but the hateful comments will just have to remain as a reminder that you just can't please everyone.

Thanks for reading.


  1. LaCrosse teachers voted today to form a union! They are now members of the American Federation of Teachers. 80% of those voting voted for the union. Scott Walker has quite a way with people--NOT

  2. You stated that any business owner can refuse service to any person. That is not completely correct. Personally I wish they had allowed Walker to remain and be booed.

    "Federal law prohibits privately owned facilities that offer food, lodging, gasoline or entertainment to the public from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. If you think that you have been discriminated against in using such a facility, you may file a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, or with the United States attorney in your area. You may also file suit in the U.S. district court.

    In addition, the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in a wide range of places of public accommodation, including facilities that offer lodging, food, entertainment, sales or rental services, health care and other professional services, or recreation.

    There are also state laws that broadly prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, religion, national origin, and disability in places of public accommodation. To determine whether your state has such a law, you should contact your state or local human rights agency, or your state attorney general's office."

  3. I agree 100%....kudos to you!!! He has no more rights than we do to be refused service.

  4. What I don't understand is how people STILL don[t know that the unions have AGREED to salary and benefits cuts - -but Walker initiated millions of dollars in tax cuts to corporations -- and of course there is that sell off of public resources to the Koch Brothers.

  5. In local news, here in Seattle, local businesses are refusing to serve TSA employees for their attitude toward the public. People should stand up for themselves and their beliefs. If the governor of a state has made himself that unpopular this early in his term, how's he going to make it the rest of the way?

  6. It's perfectly legal for any private business owner to refuse to serve someone because they're a lying bastard or an asshole.

    Walker deserves his status as a social pariah. He's earned it.

    Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.

  7. @hhardy01- Do you think he could argue on the basis of disability? ;)

    I don't think it was a matter of discrimination. He was causing an upset with the other customers just being there. And to be fair, they WERE there first, and had no problem beforehand. I mean, sure, if he had been just some random guy who was being booed because he was Black, Muslim, or disabled I could see this being suit-worthy. But it's not. I do agree though, maybe they can't really refuse service to ANYONE, I will give you that one. :)

  8. I think if the person you refuse to serve is a morally bankrupt a-hole you are well within your rights.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Assuming this little incident actually happened, it sounds to me like the people causing the problem were the people making the noise. I think it shows incredibly poor taste to encourage that kind of behavior.
    Should we stand with people heckling President Obama at an eatery by asking Obama to leave? What if the heckling had racial overtones? What if it didn't?
    Ask yourself if you want this kind of thing to happen to people you respect. If the answer is "no", then we shouldn't tolerate it at all.
    As for keeping it a secret...too late...word's out.

  11. But did they have a 'We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.' sign posted at the time?

  12. Businesses, especially bars/restaurants often clearly post signs stating they "reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at any time". Generally, not allowing someone to be your customer would reduce your income and therefore be bad for business. If someone is disruptive, however, kicking them out saves your staff and the other customers a headache, balancing that out. While I feel its generally wrong to kick someone out for merely having an opposing political view, what Walker is doing and saying, publicly, and repeatedly, is an active attack on not just union members but anyone with a conscience. If I was shouting "I hate all unionized scum" as I stepped into a restaurant, I would expect to be promptly escorted out. Since he is effectively saying the same thing in daily press conferences and in commercials that run every 15-90 minutes, he absolutely deserves to be chased out of not just a business but the entire state. I had already shared this post with friends that expressed interest in visiting the establishment when they are in town.

    I'm not so sure I would've recommended calling them, as bars in general can be noisy and taking excess calls (positive or negative) from non-customers could well disrupt them a little, though readers that know where the place is can and would call/write whether you suggested to do so or not.

  13. Terrorist Bomb Haiku for Scott Walker:

    Who here still thinks Scott
    Walker 'governs' Wisconsin?
    I for one do NOT.

    = Walking Turtle =

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. They absolutely CAN refuse to serve ANYONE. The distinction is that they can't do it for just ANY REASON. If a disabled person goes into a restaraunt and starts throwing his wheelchair around or cursing loudly, the establishment owner/manager definitely CAN refuse to serve the person.

  16. @Roland- Thanks for commenting! Yes, I realize that word is out, but I am attempting (at the request of the owner) to stem a bit of the tide. When he is able to give me an official statement he would like shared. I will try to keep posts about where it was hidden or removed. Thanks again.

    @Scott Taylor- I am sure they would still definitely appreciate the patronage. I was told earlier they wouldn't mind a phone call. This was something I expected to remain with people who read my blog (which as you can see from my followers was not many). The going viral thing was a shock. LOL

  17. @Dan- I am sorry, I will try to suck much less next time. I promise you the article was good though. LOL

  18. It's not that they shouldn't be able to ask someone to's that they DID. That's wrong.

    I will not patronize this restaurant and will make sure people I know don't either. Like it or not, the GOP has a bigger presence downtown at the moment. They need places to eat. This shouldn't be one of them.

  19. Thanks for your opinion Anonymous! In the time I have spent downtown, I did see a few GOP but I am sure there are plenty of other restaurants that would strike their fancy. Probably ones with fewer of those pesky protesters, too...

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Thurman, I agree with you. Walker made his bed. Let him go lie in it.

  22. Making Scott Walker leave because of others being disruptive is like cutting a good tree down just because it attracts pests.

  23. Every time you see "This post has been removed by a blog administrator", that isn't just someone's opinion I disagree with. That's some idiot posting links to information so people can call and make MORE threatening phone calls. Way to be.

  24. Yes it is, you've remove at least two of mine...
    "Naomi Houser said...Every time you see "This post has been removed by a blog administrator", that isn't just someone's opinion I disagree with."

  25. Anonymous said, "It's not that they shouldn't be able to ask someone to's that they DID. That's wrong."

    So having a right is OK, but exercising that right is not? That is beyond illogical.

    Furthermore, Anon, kissing the backside of someone expressly because their in the majority makes one a sycophant or opportunist.

    But to the question at hand:
    I agree, of course, that a business owner cannot (legally) /should not (ethically) refuse service based on race, religion, disability, etc. the fact is I still think they have the right to "refuse service to anyone" in a specific instance for other reasons.

    If the restaurateur in this case felt that it was worth the financial and/or social risk to refuse service to Walker than so be it. Given the current volatility in Madison it's hardly surprising that he would encounter some bad blood. Personally, I probably would have given a standing ovation to the owner for, figuratively, kicking Walker to the curb. It took a big pair of brass ones for the owner to do it.

    So in short, big "Bravo!" to the guy who had the testicular fortitude to stand up to The Oppressive Man and tell him to get the hell out.

  26. Sorry, if it was on the original blog post, I removed them all. No harshness intended. Started fresh. :/

  27. What's REALLY funny? Wisconsin Teachers currently pay 100% of their retirement and healthcare costs. Yep. So says a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter. And, I oughta know, my mom was a widowed teacher who worked for a lousy salary to raise her kids with no handouts like the handout Scott Walker got from billionaire industrialists. Check this out and pass it along to reporters:

  28. The only reason not to give out the name of the restaurant is that they will lose customers. Remember who won the election. That's what was said when we had to swallow the health care crap. Besides the fact is he's trying to save the future and pensions of the same idiots protesting against him. Live with what the majority voted for.

  29. Thanks for posting ZiggyStardust! Had to check your link and make sure you weren't reposting restaurant info. I agree, people should check out your link.

    Anon- "The only reason not to give out the name of the restaurant is that they will lose customers."

    They have been receiving threatening phone calls. They are all really freaked out right now.

  30. "Live with" it?! Contrary to Anonymous' advice, I would not suggest anyone roll-over and play dead to Walker or his ilk.

    Every individual should stand up to this and every other injustice that "the Majority" are trying to perpetrate. The people of Wisconsin - and elsewhere - are being bullied by political thugs like Walker. Do NOT tolerate this treatment. Stand up and fight...even if that fight doesn't end until the next election.

  31. very interesting develpoement, but exaactly what one would expect from swalkerstika the might not so invisible hand, you know when he said this

    "his administration will uphold the same standards of openness and ethics as he seeks to shift the state's job creation efforts from the Department of Commerce to a new partly private entity." ( )

    I wondered (since there is no sentence subject)what kind of ethics he'd uphold. I suppose now we know

  32. I'd let him eat there. But, I'd serve him with a different menu with higher prices. I would post a higher price and offer everybody a discount except him. There isn't a law about who gets to utilize a discount. Aren't discounts usually offered to speific members or groups anyways? Let him eat his cake, but make him pay his fair share. Or should I say his fare share.

  33. Anonymous at 9:55 PM...

    Does this mean that you will not be supporting the efforts of Republican Senators to repeal the AHA? I mean, hey, learn to live with the will of the majority right?

    Back on topic - glad that they did this. A restaurant in Seattle has done something similar with a "no eat" list of TSA employees. As a private establishment, they DO have the right to refuse service to anyone for any or no reason (besides a protected classification). I work security, and about 90% of our actions are based off that one fact.

  34. @Rebel , very polite, but let's face it Fight Club was truer than most people want to admit. He's probably been drinking other peoples urine and eating god only knows what well over a week.

    I do like how violent, abusive and low-brow his supporters are becoming, definitely a sign of desperate defensive posturing.

  35. Dang, that owner passed up a chance to spit in his food.

  36. I don't quite think the Americans With Disabilities Act protects Walker from being refused service, though I'd probably agree that being a Tea Bagging conservative union-buster should count as a mental disability.

  37. My Name is Anna C. I used to live in Vegas, and after OJ was found not guilty he walked into a eatery where I was, and was not served. Another time OJ was served but other patrons more than half left.I think this man / rest owner, was with in his rights. If I owned a rest. there are a lot of people I wouldn't serve: Bush #2, Cheney, Wolf, Dumsfeld, Reagan, Nixon,Marcos,Park,Mel Gibson.etc! and I would have that right. Peace.

  38. There's a setting in Blogger that allows you to moderate all postings, then you can post or reject them before they appear. That way you could eliminate beforehand all the negative, hate-spewing comments. Oh wait, that would be most of them :)

  39. Thanks Anon @10:38. I'm working on that now...

  40. "I do like how violent, abusive and low-brow his supporters are becoming, definitely a sign of desperate defensive posturing. "

    Wrong if you think Governor Scott Walker's supporters are of lower brow than the Union thugs these poor teachers have deigned to consort with. I'd say instead that the level of discourse pouring from the lefties at the Capital are much like those booing Governor Walker at a public restaurant; of little character and depth. And the owners of said restaurant? They should have removed the booing louts instead of the Governor. Instead, their establishment deserves to lose business.

    Maybe they can attract nice Union thug sorts? Do they serve Pabst Blue Ribbon and offer complimentary cement shoes?

  41. Oh, I see you have it working! Disregard my previous anonymous comment :)

  42. in my town gang members are often unwelcome at late night restaurants, esp if they are wearing colours or have a big group. As soon as they sit down some cops show up and sit near by, so the punks leave

  43. Why doesn't the green fish ever get to eat?

  44. Thank you Anon, got it figured out now. :)

    @Serr8d- I don't think I have met any of these Union "thugs" you are talking about, but I will keep my eye out. I don't think that because someone is "privileged" (ie politician) that they should be invited to stay when they are the *cause* of the disruption. No rules were broken...

    But this is where I must ask of you; if it were GOP followers in this same restaurant booing a union "thug", would you have the "thug" asked to leave? That is the true question here. We all know they are within legal bounds.

  45. I think I'm more surprised that he had the guts/nerve to show his face in public (other than his speaking engagements).

  46. If a restaurant run by a Tea Bagger had tossed out some union people, the teabaggers would howling to the moon that the owner was perfectly within his rights to do so.

  47. Poor poor Hosni. He can't get a meal in Madison...gee..I feel so sorry for him...NOT. The restaurant owner was well within his rights to refuse this asshole service. His property, his decision. What would have been funny, is that if he would have been seated and the waitress "accidently" dropped a pitcher of ice water in his lap..and patrons began throwing their meal at him..I love this. Let him sit, the scum sucking KOCK kisser.

  48. I will no longer eat there, they lost my business, and I will not hide their identity, that is as bad as hiding in another state.

  49. We can argue all night about whether they would have, could have, or should have refused him. Tar and feathering is not exactly legal either, but he's getting away without being tarred and feathered! He should consider himself very lucky for the consideration he's been given so far. This is not a dispute between rival political ideologies, it's a dispute between right and wrong and Walker is just plain wrong so the "Obama in the restaurant"analogy DOES NOT APPLY!

  50. @Anon 11:08pm - I hear your frustration, I am trying to remain as neutral as possible in all of this. I personally find this whole thing HILARIOUS. Everything has gone bananas in Wisconsin and this is just further proof of how bananas it can really get.

  51. @Naomi When are you guys just going to admit this was a stunt designed to rustle up business for this establishment?

  52. Actually, I have never been to the restaurant myself, nor do I know anyone personally who has. I live outside of Madison myself. But I would be skeptical as well. I mean, you don't know me and have no way of knowing whether or not anything I just said is true. I will tell you that this DID happen. This isn't some crazy stunt. I'd tell you to ask Walker but he wouldn't answer the phone unless you were one of the Koch brothers anyway.

  53. I would SO love to post all of these beautifully sincere and heartfelt comments, but for the time being can you PLEASE remove the restaurant name from the comment? I am sure they would love to hear the supportive things you all have to say.

  54. You'll Never Eat Lunch In This Town Again, Scott.

    Solidarity: I <3 it.

  55. I was under the impression that this action is EXACTLY what the Tea Party is for- the right to run your business the way you want, and to implement that right as you see fit. Where's Rand Paul screaming about small-business owner's rights when you need him?

  56. If one lives a life of moral equivalency, everything is nothing and nothing is everything.

  57. @ Serr8d , well yes I think death threats and harassment count as low-brow, I don't think anti-walker people were threatening "their own kind" so to speak, and I must say your response does less than nothing to invalidate my statement...quite the opposite really

    ...although I do like the fact that you insinuate that working people are willing do their own dirty work, concrete is such a pain in the ass to work with, it's why we need all the pabst

  58. He needs to check his hamburgers for spit, boogers, and curly hairs for the next few years. If the cook takes a dislike to you, no telling what creative things they will do with your food.

  59. This is a complete fabrication

  60. See, these are the twits I am talking about... From Roland Melnick's OWN blog;

    Roland_Melnick Says:
    February 25th, 2011 at 10:35 pm

    Wow! I’m amazed that a business would choose to let their establishment become a political battleground. Then again, I don’t live in Madison.

    Wouldn’t it be a “shame” if large groups of people made some moves straight from the liberal playbook?

    How about a group of TEA Partiers standing in front of the doors to prevent people from entering/exiting the place?

    How about repeated calls for table reservations that go unused?

    How about calls to their food and beverage suppliers posing as the ********’s owner, [removed], to cancel or double purchase orders?

    I don’t advocate doing any of these things, that would be a “shame.” But aren’t these the sorts of things the Left loves to do and/or talk about doing?

  61. So, Roland Melnick, you are suggesting that the restaurant owner lured Gov. Shit-For-Brains to their restaurant in order to throw him out and garner all the extra business and cowardly telephone threats?

    Hmmm...Sound logic there Roland, very sound...

  62. mmmmhhh floorpuckburgers, sir I would recommend that you have the clam chowder....

    Yes anywhere in Wisconsin for the rest of forever probably, Wait, wait it's not like politically active college students work in the food service industry....ooohhh, yeah...

    (and Noami I agree about pabst , but if the other thugs new I like Foster's better they might think I was gay know how it is ...)

  63. @Anon 11:34pm - If it were a fabrication, would I be wasting my time trying to chase down articles and ask people to remove the names? I would ask Roland, but he has made quite clear what his stance is on the whole thing. Apparently he thinks if it is good for the goose, it's good for the idiot.

  64. Scott Walker Terrorist Bomb Haiku No. 2

    Tar does not cost much.
    Feathers are plentiful too.
    Koch Bros with Same Brush...?

    = Walking Turtle =

  65. Walking Turtle might be my hero... just saying.

  66. I'm conflicted, on one hand my dislike of Walker is just a few more stupid political stunts that screw the public at the expense of his supporters away from hanging up a picture of him so I can spit on it regularly. On the other hand, I don't think people should be kept out of semi-public places for being who they are, generally this only extends to ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation (which the person has no control over). I guess this is fairly legitimate because Walker is entirely responsible for being such a terrible person, he deserves it and the rest of us should be able to express it to him any way we want.

  67. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one." Some here suggest throwing out those who had already been seated and were ostensibly enjoying a meal or a few brew. For "Hosni" to have remained may well have presented the possibility of a confrontation, perhaps leading to physical violence. I have worked in hospitality and the easiest solution to a confrontation is to diffuse it, if possible, before bouncers have to take action. People who haven't worked in bars do not consider this... and while we're on it, attempting to compare it to Mr. Seotero walking into a bar is apples and oranges, especially employing the race card.
    I'm in Canada and we are watching events unfold there with enormous interest, especially with the leaks of some of the latest backroom deals our PM has been making with your prez, without consent or knowledge of our respective Senates. This is most definitely another globalist experiment to see how the "eaters" respond. Apologies if that came out as cynical but this is happening with far too much regularity lately, all to keep us off balance and confused over who to really trust. Thanks so much for taking the time to post this... and kudos on your discretion. You got class girl. Namaste.

  68. I recall in the movie "As Good As It Gets" The
    Jack Nicholson character was kicked out for being an A-hole.

    I do not think as of yet A-holes are protected by any federal laws against discriminating restaurant proprietors.

    Many would agree the turned away patron is an a-hole

  69. The Restaurant name is posted numerous times on pro Scott Walker, and Sarah Palin pages.

  70. @Tim...We once had a "Tim" who commented at our blog. He too was slow on the uptake.
    I suspect this whole thing never happened. It sounds like a PR stunt to get Walker-haters to flock to the restaurant to show solidarity and spend some bucks while they're there. That's all.

    @Naomi...The real twits are the folks carrying out the actions I describe. I don't know if you're wasting your time. Any publicity is good publicity, right?

  71. Right wingers are all for the "right to refuse service" when it involves people of color. And so violent when the don't get their way.

  72. And to people saying things are going bananas in Wisconsin, the only thing that is ridiculous is our governor saying the protesters were from out of state, thinking he could throw so many horrible things at us in one bill and get away with it, thinking he has the right to pull something like this with no public input (but at the request of the Koch brothers who fired over 100 Wisconsin workers in a year in which they gave themselves over $10 billion in bonuses) and finally people from Utah thinking a recall of WISCONSIN state senators is any of their business. If anyone else wants to get involved in Wisconsin politics beyond talking to people who actually want to hear you, move here and be an actual Wisconsinite, or keep your money out of our elections and off our airwaves. We keep our noses out of your politics, you keep your noses out of ours (I'm looking at you Koch brothers and Utah).

  73. @Anon 12:08am - It would be. Not shocked.

    @Roland - Feel free to believe what you wish. Just like thinking that Walker actually gives a half a shit about you.

  74. @Ben- I meant no offense when I said that things were bananas. I just mean to show that no matter how surreal things have seemed so far they just get more surreal.

  75. (@anon12:02)Or a public nuisance, or gasp, a self-admitted possible threat to public safety.

    And I have been a bouncer too and I totally agree only a top heavy thinker would believe it's easier to remove a large number of people as opposed to one or two.

  76. If the governor wanted to have lunch, he only needed to get in his limo and ask nicely to be driven to the mansion; it is a ten minute drive. He could have had a quiet lunch.

  77. Better than Doyle, who shit on all of us. Why not thank him for the multi-billion dollar deficit? We can't borrow, bail-out and raid funds forever.

    As for the Koch Bros. meme...did it ever occur to you that if he was so close to those guys he would have realized it wasn't really Koch on the phone?

  78. Quite understandable Naomi. It is even more surreal to live in Wisconsin for my entire life and feel nothing but pride for out history of progress in labor rights and public services, then see all this happen. And I have been getting really annoyed by the Koch brothers and people in Utah messing around with other states' politics(read: the Mormon Church giving all that money to pass prop 8 in California) for a really long time.

  79. @Roland... are you just not very bright son?
    You have a train wreck for a blog page and seem insanely naive..

    Yes a very large number of people have considered that they were not in contact (including the state and federal ethics commissions currently investigating walker), since wisconsin has the strictest ethics laws in the country only incredible idiots would operate in such a fashion.

  80. @Ben...I feel the same way about East Coast Teamsters sticking their noses in our State's business. We have enough goons in this State already.

    @silverlok...Remaining here to debate logically with those who aren't has me questioning my intelligence as well.

  81. These dolts acted in "union" to disrespect the duly elected Governor of Wisconsin. There is no difference between this repugnant show of intolerance toward Governor Walker because his conservative "creed", or if the subject were any other minority. You clowns talk the talk, but you are pathetic failures when it comes to walking the walk.

  82. well good it has to start somewhere, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

  83. I say kudos to this particular business for giving SW the boot! He was the problem! From a business standpoint, several customers are much better than just one. Or two or three, assuming SW was not there to dine alone. Sounds like that is what it came down to - SW or the rest of the people already dining there. Sorry, I think any business owner would choose his loyal customers over some politician who will probably only dine there once. Again, KUDOS!

  84. As a small business owner I understand the owner feellings of anger and refusing to serve is a normal reaction.

    Many may praises Walker for heroic visual savings in our state however as many politicians lies, lies and more lies.

    Massive lay-offs is coming up and closing of many state facilties. Then WI. unemployment claim increase and the president got to be blame.

    There are things that union bargaining has to iron "such as abusive using of sick days" in which can be negotiated.

  85. Actually, it was never clear to me how a FEDERAL law could control whom one did or did not serve in a privately owned restaurant outside of the District of Columbia, military bases, etc. In any case, "political activity" is not a protected class, as far as I know. The behavior of the other customers was certainly rude, but quite understandable given the circumstances. -- Richard B.

  86. Wonderful. Am old and itching out here in California thinking let's fire up the buggy and git to Wisconsin, but then it's clear that Wisconsinites can fight for their rights better than most of the rest of us who can't hardly hold up when it goes below 50 degrees. And you know the Packers are the only publicly owned professional team anywhere so go ahead and show the rest of the country how its done!

  87. @scott, ahhaahaahahaahaha, talk, ahahaahahaa, walk ahahahaaahaahaa , whee tough talk there cowboy(by the way that's what the south-siders call me )haaahaaha, yeah public opinion sure is inconvenient isn't it.

    Although you seem a tad melodramatic, confrontational, unsubstantiated, poorly focused and shall I say petty and possibly bitter, um, and what "walk" did you have in mind?

  88. Well, I think that will do for the comments for tonight. I need to get to bed so I am fresh for the rally tomorrow. Solidarity!

  89. Not one word of your rambling monologue addressed my post there "cowboy",(a reference to your days with the Village People?)so I must assume you don't have the capacity to comprehend. I'll tell you what,I know it's late so sleep on it and give it another try tomorrow.

  90. Maybe they were just afraid of spreading whatever the mental affliction is the he seems to carrying.

  91. Why should the governor be treated any differently than any other person. He is a public servant. He shouldn't expect to get any special privileges or consideration.

    The restaurant owner has a perfect right to refuse service based on his beliefs. If he is an animal lover and Michael Vick came in, he could refuse him service. I see no reason why Governor Walker shouldn't be refused service if his actions are in direct opposition to the beliefs of the restaurant owner.

    Right now there is legislation to allow medical providers the right to refuse service based on their religious beliefs. So a pharmacist doesn't have to sell the morning after pill. Does a pharmacist have a right to refuse service and a restaurant owner doesn't?

    Well, the Republicans are all about double standards. Unless they are getting the short end.

    I only wish I owned a restaurant so I could refuse him service too.

  92. My only desire to know the name of the restaurant is to MAKE SURE that I stop by to patronize the establishment.

    But, the fact that people are behaving in such disgusting ways is an embarrassment.

    This shit is ridiculous and really saddens me.

    Scott Walker is a DOUCHE, and I hope that he gets the cold shoulder EVERYWHERE he goes.

    There is NO LAW against having an attitude.

  93. Oh boy Naomi!

    Listen to THIS nonsense!

    (your blog is specifically mentioned)

  94. I did see that Athena. They can cook up whatever they'd like as far as lies go. The poor guy on the phone wasn't going to admit to anything and after some of the calls they have received, I am not surprised. I know they have no reason to believe that I don't work there, but I'd love them to find any kind of proof that I do. I don't even live near Madison, for crying out loud. Ah well. Some people's children, what can you do?

    I should have just gone to sleep. Now I'm just mad again.

  95. "Federal law prohibits privately owned facilities that offer food, lodging, gasoline or entertainment to the public from discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. If you think that you have been discriminated against in using such a facility, you may file a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, or with the United States attorney in your area. You may also file suit in the U.S. district court.

    In addition, the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in a wide range of places of public accommodation, including facilities that offer lodging, food, entertainment, sales or rental services, health care and other professional services, or recreation.

    There are also state laws that broadly prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, religion, national origin, and disability in places of public accommodation. To determine whether your state has such a law, you should contact your state or local human rights agency, or your state attorney general's office."

    None of these reasons apply to Governor Walker. He is not being discriminated against in any way, except on the basis of douchebaggery, which there is no law against. So there's not illegal about refusing him service.

  96. personally would have relished the opportunity to piss in his wheaties

  97. "There are also state laws that broadly prohibit discrimination on the bases of race, color, religion, national origin, and disability in places of public accommodation."

    Yes. But nowhere in this does it say anything about discrimination on the basis of being a PRICK. So... Walker doesn't seem to be covered. :)

  98. This is all very childish. Just like the Dems who ran away because they didnt get their way. There was a bill, vote yay or nay. Running away, that solved a lot! Spitting in the Govs food comment-that's definitely something to be proud of! And yes, what if Obama was kicked out of a restaurant because the owner didn't agree with the health care reform bill? What would bloggers be saying? All of the protesters name calling, Docs writing excuses for teachers, Senators running away- all such great role models for kids. What now? Anti Walker and Pro Walker restaurants? Better yet how about Pro Union and Anti Union restrooms...That would be progress!

  99. All a hoax! Shocking...

  100. I don't but if I did live near this restaurant I would start going there for a meal every day. Sure he will lose some knuckledragging customers but he is going to be gaining so many more. And yep I'd bring all my friends.

  101. Walker could make a good case for himself by suing under the Americans with Disabilities Act--citing his psychological infirmity as the cause of his having been ejected.

    Kudos to the business owner who threw the bum out on the street. Much more of this needs to be done in every city.

  102. I do not live in Wisconsin so my own two cents may not be worth much. However, it appears that the restaurant owner was well within his rights. Being a government official or having an unpopular opinion do not make you a 'protected' class. Polls are suggesting that there is some 'buyers remorse' after the election of Scott Walker and I can understand owning a business and finding that the best way to diffuse the situation is to ask him to leave. The restaurant owner was in a horrible spot as anything he did could have been construed as bad. Kicking Scott Walker out was bad.... and I bet that putting up with him, having a very uncomfortable night and then having problems with people who couldn't believe that they allowed him to be served would have been bad as well. In the end, a politician works for the 'people' and should understand (if not accept it) that when he goes to some places the 'people' who do not appreciate his work may ask him to leave or refuse service. It does happen with other politicians and other public servants... and it happens with other groups of unprotected people all the time. Also, politicians are rarely elected in a landslide and so need to understand that many who didn't vote for them may not be pleased- it is the lot of a politician for heaven's sake! I live in a state where over 60% percent of the electorate voted against our new governor. In speeches he has admitted that he will probably not be well liked for a few years. :) Maybe Scott Walker should use this experience to realize that no one died and made him 'king' because only a king is truly allowed to be himself and act the way he wants ... and still get whatever he wants.

    i wish the restaurant owner and their employees well and suspect that they will have problems due to this incident for months... for which I am sorry. Even if there were wrong, I don't think anyone deserves to get the anger and hatred that there actions appear to be uncovering. Anger helps no one and certainly will not convinced this owner that he was wrong if that is what some people are attempting to do.

  103. Of course, firedoglake demonstrates one more time that if the demonrats didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all. I think the proglodytes are trying to goad the representatives of Wisconsin's fiscally assaulted citizenry into some sort of misstep, and pranking like this is just the sort of juvenile delinquency that pushes the envelope. Luckily, as a native Wisconsinite, I can attest that my brother & sister-in-law, both teachers from Milwaukee, are visiting me in Boca and for reasons of civility, the subject hasn't even come up---showing the decency of the average WI citizens versus the slimefests of firedog & other Left Coast agitpreppies. Plus a few local freaks.

    You're right, the Left & the abc networks want to do anything to keep the subject away from the ripoff of the WI taxpayers that the teachers' unions have been pulling off since I was in grad school. I've got an MA from U of Mich Ann Arbor & maybe I should have taught in WI instead of joining the Foreign Service---NOT!!!

  104. There is no question, the restaurant owner was not breaking any laws. The fact that Walker would be held accountable for his actions is a foreign idea to the Republicans. He has become a union-busting give-to-the-rich type of governer. It is good to see someone stand up to him.

  105. Why doesn't he just stay "home" at the Governor's mansion and have his private chef make him food? Since the "taxpayers", which as a state employee I am one of, are paying for the service and I am sure the chef is getting paid whether or not he/she is actually cooking that day, better start taking advantage of the perks now Scotty before the mansion is put on the auction block to save the state hundreds of thousands a year in maintanance fees.
    Keep up the good blog work. Also, I agree that a private business has the right to not serve someone. They could have let him sit and then not ever have anyone come to take his order, just to see how long before he figured it out. ;) He does not appear to be very bright but then when you have others telling you what to do and say it can't be that hard to be a puppet. Sorry I posted anon, but for safety sake of my family I felt it necessary.

  106. Isn't spreading crap fun?

  107. Fuggedaboudit, rock.

    I'm sending out some moral support for you folks from Deepinaharta, Texas, along with a big heap of admiration and respect. I'm as socially conscious and politically involved as the next guy, but the thought of doing it in your temperatures...well, I'm an old man, and don't tolerate the cold like I once could. Best wishes from Texas, y'all!

  108. No Irish need apply: Horrible

    We don't serve blacks here: Despicable

    We don't serve conservatives: YAY!

    It's amazing to listen to people defend this stuff. Our friends on the left have become parodies of themselves

  109. As long as the business has a well placed sign that reads "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone." They can!

  110. Social shunning is one of the most effective ways of making one's point. Pictures of repugs and The Wanker (tm) should be distributed to all local restaurants and their staffs. That way, we don't have to only rely upon the stink of a repug as the only way of identifying them (at least till they open their mouths and invariably say something moronic or racist or bigoted, or whatever).

    As for repugs boycotting their businesses...we should all be so lucky. Unfortunately, the dioxin-poisoned endocrine-disrupted d-bags in the repug party will need to stuff their gapping maws somewhere. I know of some dumpsters they could dive......

    Remember, there is one thing that we can rely upon when dealing with repugs: they are greedy and selfish. Use it against them.

  111. Look, Democrat, Republican or Tea Party... whatever! It is irrelevant. Fact: A business owner will lose much less money from ONE party being asked to leave than a restaurant FULL of other patrons. If the Governor walking in was a disruption to the rest of his/her patrons... they have the right to ask him to leave to keep the peace in their restaurant. If I were the owner, I would have stood up and asked for peace from everyone in my restaurant, first... and then if it continued, I would have asked the ONE party to leave (figure 50 people in a restaurant at $5-$10 each... potential $250-$500 loss... versus $5-$10 loss of one patron). The basis of our government is the election of a party or parties by the citizens. We did that. Now, how can we all work together and compromise? I don't see much of that happening on Governor Walker's end... The 14 hiding in Illinois have sent at least 7 amendments to the bill and won't even get a look. That's the Governor's way of saying, "It's my ball and bat and if you won't play my way, I'm going home..."

  112. I can't believe the narrow minded and selfishness of people, such pedestrian thinking inside the box. Too many Wisconsin taxpayers are desperately looking for employment while these teachers are dancing around in Madison while the students they are entrusted to teach, sit at home, or Madison, instead of being in school. I for one will no longer frequent that establishment.

  113. I'm confident that because of support for Gov. Walker, my comment will most likely be trashed..

  114. Most people who have worked at or owned a business that serves the public know occasionally you get people walking in who cause disruption to the point that they have to be asked to leave. There's even slang for it: to 86 someone. (Not sure of origins...think maybe military).

  115. Actually, a restaurant in Boston just issued an apology and donated 300g in cash to scholarships for African American students because they were in a LOT of trouble for refusing black patrons entrance to their club after a Harvard football game...citing that the black people would attract gang bangers. They got TONS of shit for refusing these people. And they were wrong to do that. If it's wrong for blacks to be turned away, it is wrong for this Rethuglican to be turned away too...even if we don't like him.

  116. Just a note to those who have been saying that those booing were creating the disturbance, I'll point out that is generally not the way that law enforcement treats these situations. To refer to a specific example, two young women opted to sunbath topless at James Madison park (Madison). A group of obnoxious frat boys made a scene. MPD cited the two young women for "creating a disturbance" despite the fact that Madison had no specific ordinance requiring them to be wearing tops. A year or two later the same thing happened to two women walking on Williamson St. So, technically, the women did nothing wrong, but people's reaction to their presence created a disturbance for which they were cited.

  117. The article states that he was politely asked to leave because he caused a disturbance, not that he was "refused service". Walker complied because I'm sure he didn't want youtube video of him sitting there being booed by his constituents. But some folks here seem to imply that the owner stood at the door and shouted "we don't serve your kind here!" It would seem like such a visit would have been worked out ahead of time. Of course this is a guy who got pranked by someone pretending to be a high profile supporter, just more evidence of how bush league this guy is. Of course the response of the teabaggers demonstrates how much they really care about the rights of small businessmen.

  118. I think a customer's political actions are a perfectly valid reason to refuse service. To be fair, I think it's perfectly valid for others to call the restaurant in response to say they think that's dumb (but not to make threats). Now, to refuse service to someone because they are openly fascist, like Gov. Walker, I think, is a mandatory reason to refuse service to customers. The man has acted against the people of his state and threatened to call in armed troops if they do anything about it. He shouldn't be able to eat at any restaurant in the country. He should be sitting in jail awaiting trial.

  119. No shirt, no shoes, no brain, no service!

  120. I would have made him sit there and wait for service until he just got up and left or if he asked, just ignore him...he'd gotten the message while hopefully patrons would have had to opportunity to boo him...passive aggressive behavior works better than direct refusal because no one can say you said no...either that they could have spit in his food...but I guess they really can't do that can they

  121. No, I am not leaving out comments of the people who dislike Walker. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and just because I don't like it doesn't make it wrong.

    As for all the "hoax" stuff, I have responded to all the people blogging that on their own sites, but they have yet to publish my comments. Not really all that surprised. I'll post an update here in a moment.

  122. Oh bullshit, all you had to do was redact the name of the restaurant.

  123. as long as a person is behaving appropriately, business should not be permitted to refuse service to ANYONE. Most of these establishments make use of public facilities such as sewer, water, electricity, roads, etc. These things are paid by us all, and thus I believe we should have access to them. Walker should simply be tared and feathered and run out of Wisconsin.

  124. datechguy said...

    No Irish need apply: Horrible

    We don't serve blacks here: Despicable

    We don't serve conservatives: YAY!

    And look what happens when a photographer exercises her "right to refuse service": the government slaps her with a fine and tells her businesses can't refuse service to anyone.

    But that's cool with y'all, right?

  125. All you libtards bitching about Walker. at least he has the balls to stand up for the real people of Wisconsin and not those lazy ass teachers who were grabbing up those free sick leave notices from those libtard doctors. Those doctors should have their licenses revoked.

    And what about those spineless democratic senators that fled the state? Perhaps Obama should leave the country then we would all be much better off.

    To all you Union freeloaders, stop the complaining and get back to work. At least you still have a job thanks to the rest of us taxpayers. While many of us were out of work the past couple of years, Union workers got bailouts from us taxpayers. Now its time you feel some pain. The cookie jar is empty. No more soup for you. Get back to work or get fired. JMOP

  126. So the owner doesn't want to deal with the fallout of his actions?

    HAS be a stupid Democrat.

  127. So - they are proud of their decision, but don't wish the consequences? They have every right to refuse service to someone. I have every right to not patronize them. They need to come out and be proud of their decision.

    Oh yeah, they should take all threat to the cops. They would have the phone records.

    But if they feel this strongly, then the restaurant owners need to live with the consequences of people who wish to not patronize them as well.

    Or is this a "have my cake and eat it too" moment?

  128. I am not for discrimination against anyone, not even a Republican such as Governor Walker. But, if Governor Walker's presence caused a disturbance whereas the customers seated before him were "booing" him, then in all kindness I would ask him to leave and to try another time.

    By being kind, the owner would help squash heated rhetoric aimed his way. Diplomacy does have its advantages.

  129. I would like the restaurant's phone number so that I can congratulate them on a job well done. The only thing I would have done differently is allowed him to sit down but refused to serve him so his time would be wasted too.

  130. I'll have to call BS on your insinuation that the right is harassing or threatening this dumb restaurant. The true hate in our country lives on the left side of politics, and always has.

  131. Why can't Walker have his servants at his mansion serve him all his meals? Just because he's governor doesn't mean the people of Wisconsin have to tolerate his presence in public.

  132. Probably should just not serve republicans..Start asking for everyone's papers to see if they are on YOUR side of positions before they get served.

    No would be just like the media, everyone knows MSNBC/CNN are arms of the democrat they do not get peoples patronage.

    Same with this restaurant...if they only want to serve Democrats..fine..just be up front about it.

  133. Anonymous said...
    I will no longer eat there, they lost my business, and I will not hide their identity, that is as bad as hiding in another state.

    February 25, 2011 11:06 PM
    Yes, yes... and I'm sure that restaurant is so worried that they will lose your business, lolol. You sound like the rightwing American christian Taliban who call boycotts against businesses, only to see them fizzle before their eyes (i.e., Disbey, Ford, Proctor & Gamble). Take a couple of aspirin, a nap, and everything will be fine when you wakey, wakey.

  134. If this restaurant were not afraid of what they have stupidly done they would not be scrubbing their facebook page of the incident.

    Every political group calls for boycotts dontcha' know. Some work, some do not. Most of the lefty boycotts work better because the media has their backs.

    Much like what is going on now in Wisconsin with the unions actually DOING exactly what the tea party was ACCUSED of. But no outcry...funny isn't it.

  135. I like the "no shirt, no shoes, no brain, no service" comment.

  136. If your presence is disruptive to the establishments business then you may be asked to leave. Most all of that restaurants clients are going to be adversely affected by this guys actions and will eventually have an effect on the restaurants bottom line. He shouldn't get any service at the gas station the grocery store, his favorite wine and cheese shop for all the damage he is doing.


  137. Naomi answers me...

    @Serr8d- I don't think I have met any of these Union "thugs" you are talking about, but I will keep my eye out. I don't think that because someone is "privileged" (ie politician) that they should be invited to stay when they are the *cause* of the disruption. No rules were broken...

    But this is where I must ask of you; if it were GOP followers in this same restaurant booing a union "thug", would you have the "thug" asked to leave? That is the true question here. We all know they are within legal bounds.

    You should ask Tabitha Hale, @pinkelephantpun on the Twitter, how she felt being slapped around by a union thug...

    I don't think you'd find the same situation caused by any Tea Partier, because 'booing' a unionist or anyone else in a private restaurant is bad manners. As far as this being 'caused' by Governor Walker, his only intent was a to pay for and enjoy a meal; he wasn't there to speak politically, but to enjoy the nice meal the restaurant wad paid to provide. Not his fault boorish lefty louts started booing.

    And I'll guarantee that most Tea Party sorts are not as ill-mannered as are the left's hateful union people we've encountered. We even clean up after ourselves; look how nasty lefty sorts leave the grounds when a rally is done.

    No, there's no comparison. We would not boo, nor would we side with those who did the booing, because we value our businesses. The restaurant should've told the booing people to shut up or leave.

  138. Miz Walker,

    Thank you for you kind words toward a long-memoried Old Turtle! Now here is business:

    That which the Koch Brothers and their Paid Stooges such as Mister Walker are out to accomplish is not only a stealth-criminal power grab in its own right, but is always done at the ruinous expense of All the Rest of Us. This manner of Final Solution to the Infandous Elite's Great Abiding Problem of "Useless Eaters" in this world is not so very new, though.

    In fact: Per many, many public documents, such a thing as this Latest Outrage has been "In The Works" ever since some considerable time before the Wall Street Elite's coup against President-Elect Franklin Delano Roosevelt was thwarted by retired Major General Smedley Darlington Butler of the USMC. Indeed, Class War (which is what the top-down Koch/Walker Wisconsin action is, no mistake) is a criminal racket of the lowest order, just as is the military sort. Only "softer", due to the velvet glove diligently worn by the Iron Fists right up to (and not long past) election-time. ;|

    Fact: It ain't easy to sum it all up with Utterances of Many Words. But Haiku is a fine (and, like satire, still-legal) way of Shooting Back at the Devourers!

    On that line, here are a few more Ordered Shots... Publish all as-given if you like - or one at a time, or none at all, as you see fit. (It is YOUR blog; mine is on its way amid Great Busy-Ness; neither I nor mine can afford any Online Train Wreck.)

    Frankly, the night ain't over yet by a Long Shot - and most of the Vulnerable Ones still do sleep - while the poisoners and devourers are up and about all over the lot. So:

    Here is just a little more Mental Ammunition and Heart Food. It overcomes MUCH Mental Poison when taken on arising, especially with a Pinch of Spirit. 0{;-)o<

    *Gentle* Readers: Do you know how to use this five-seven-five weapon...? (I for one tend to think so.) So here is Ammo for All:

    Scott Walker Terrorist Bomb Haiku No. 3

    "Neo-Conservative" too:
    "New GREEDY", is all.

    = Walking Turtle =

    Scott Walker Terrorist Bomb Haiku No. 4

    NeoCon "Elite":
    Devour *all*. Starve *every* child.
    Ergo "Wasichύ".

    = Walking Turtle =

    Scott Walker Terrorist Bomb Haiku No. 5

    *HUMAN* Hearts and Minds:
    White-Buffalo-Nation NOW!
    *HUMANS* welcome /here/.

    = Walking Turtle =

    Scott Walker Terrorist Bomb Haiku No. 6

    Is the Wasichu's best friend!
    (Teach your children well.)

    Scott Walker Terrorist Bomb Haiku No. 7

    Heaven favors well
    Those who with whole-hearted grace
    Resist Wasichu. :)

    Scott Walker Terrorist Bomb Haiku No. 8

    Walk NOW like Egyptians:
    Don't Get Fooled Again!

    = Walking Turtle =

    We got one long hard dark dangerous and likely bloody road ahead of us afore we Get Our Nation Back, Good People! But here's to GENUINE PEACE - and the RETURN of the PEACEABLE Genuine Ways that tend to nourish every child - as well as an entire Nation - FOREVER.

    Turn to! Because Heaven is KINDER than Koch, oh MY! And that is ALL. 0{:-)o<

  139. Thank you for publicizing this incident, as well as trying to protect the restaurant. Am not surprised at the reaction from the right. Personally, if I had been dining in that restaurant and Walker came in, knowing how he is treating the people of WI and selling them out to the Koch Brothers for his own agenda, I would be sick to my stomach and would probably have to leave that place. The restaurant did the right thing.

  140. Like it or not, the days of sweetheart deals between the Democrat Party and public sector unions is coming to an end. People see past the union propaganda of calling this a “workers rights” issue or an “attack on the middle class”.

    It’s the middle class taxpayers that are funding these benefit packages in the first place!

    People aren’t stupid!

    And union workers think by screaming workers rights over and over again that the vast majority of taxpayers who are in essence their bosses, won’t see what’s really going on?

    Think again, buddy!

    The Last Tradition

  141. Hi Namoi,

    The web site that called the restaurant etc also says that the restaurant's "entire Facebook page has been scrubbed of any reference to the alleged incident."

    That got me wondering how you heard about the whole thing in the first place (and if that was in your original post, sorry, I didn't see it).

    Do you know if the restaurant's Facebook page ever had anything on it? Would it help or hurt to go over how you heard about the incident?

    Thanks, Robert

  142. Scenes we'd like to see:

    Welcome, Guvner Walker. . . to "Labor of Love Diner". Our Culinary Union chefs are REALLY EXCITED to have you dining with us this evening!

    Tonight's special for you, Guvner, is a real ball-buster...oops, I mean belt-buster!

    You will start with the birds nest soup . . . featuring a nest constructed and lived in by a well fed pair of pigeons from a nook atop the capital building. Mmm mmm good!

    Tonight's entree is the Foul Fowl of teh day . . . a tasty, plump crow dressed with it's own entrails and dotted with swarthy Chef Domingo's special dingle-berries...Domingo-berries...sorry, a little slip of the tongue there...I'm kinda starstruck by you, my Lord Guvner...tee hee hee.

    Finally, for dessert, our team of sous-chefs is working up quite a surprise for you . . . our world famous Phlegm Brulee!

    So sit back and enjoy your ScotchnPiss...I mean your Scotch on the Rocks and get ready for an evening that you won't forget!

  143. You are completely delusional, @12:32PM. The Tea Partiers have been far more boorish and rude (shouting down rational discussion in town halls as just a start, never mind their violent and often racist signs and rhetoric, general hatefulness, and worse). Clearly you've been completely brainwashed, and that's sad.

    Walker and other Republicans have launched a war on the middle class. It has nothing to do with Wisconsin's budget deficit (which Walker himself made worse with his tax cuts and give-aways to his donors and corporate masters).

    You're being lied to and played for a gullible tool.

    But your'e right, there is no comparison: the people are speaking peacefully in Madison. The tea party is a right-wing fringe who brings guns to rallies and try to intimidate and shout down others.

    Walker made his bed. He's attacking the very people who work and eat in that restaurant. He got a lot better than what he actually deserves.

  144. Naomi, I'm a conservative. I figure the restaurant owner was well within his rights to ask a single patron to leave. No group-based discrimination involved at all. His place, his call; if he wants to risk a loss of business, his risk. As for your 'anti-liberal' commentors; they're a perfect cross-section of what's left in the modern GOP. Anyone with both brains and morals has left; the rest are Lenin's Communists with minor doctrinal differences in their ideological dogma. Reality only exists subject to the demands of the ideology. The guys that have posted here are typical: what a bunch of pathetic, self-pitying droogs. Individually, they're pitiful; the danger is when they group up; a swarm of monkeys can hurt you bad.

  145. This whole thing looks to be a hoax. The restaurant was caught on tape with admission of that and apparently the governor has never been to this restaurant..

    Do you dare tell the truth about it?

    If not, it's just one more classic dishonesty of the leftists.

    Suppressio veri equals suggestio falsi. Hiding the truth is the same as telling a lie.

    If you have to lie to get ahead, you are a very sad case indeed.

  146. I know the name of the restaurant and if I'm ever in Madison I'll make sue to go there. As to whether any business has the right to refuse service to anyone for a non-discriminatory reason...hell, yes! I don't think any business person would. Lightly turn away business. If a patron causes a disturbance it is the prerogative of the business owner to restore and preserve the atmosphere.

  147. Its fascinating to me. I live in Wisconsin, Scott walker is definitely not unpopular among the majority of people here, but definitely the vocal and entitled. Emotional protesting sells good news advertising (go media go).

    Walker may fail miserably with the change management test (severely) but he has the right idea.

    If he went about the change in a different way, he would have swung the 30% on the fence (like my friends an family who work for either a union (non public) or with the state (union) who know they take money from private citizens for their benefits, and tell me they feel a little bad) to the "yeh lets go sleep in the capital" which is normally illegal (for regular people) to the side where "yes this is something I hate but we know we have to do to be fair to everyone else and to keep the state budget balanced".

    Instead walker made a ton of vocal of enemys. PS if you are going to bang on a drum or drive to demonstrations to support unions, try to use american made merchandise...

    People don't necessary hate change, but we definitely hate unknown or uncertain change. Back to the change management, he sucks at it but right idea.

  148. And I'll guarantee that most Tea Party sorts are not as ill-mannered as are the left's hateful union people we've encountered.

    Total hypocrisy. You claim you have good manners, yet you stereotype anyone who's to the left of you. You are truly a shameful hypocrite, serr8d.

  149. You hang in there babes. I believe you. I love it. I'd kick his ass out myself.

  150. Maybe the owner was afraid of health code violations if he were reported for having a roach in the dining room.

  151. 138 million non-union workers in America and only 14.7 union workers both private sector and public. So let's be clear, the unions are not speaking for middle America.

  152. Naomi after reading all your left wing radical posts it is obvious you have an endless supply of Koolaid. The restaurant will be bankrupt soon...unless your union thugs end up getting free meals there. And are your serious? are unaware of Union are definitely drunk on KOOLAID...try switching on the t.v. The day freeloading union thugs being supported by the working taxpayer is OVER. You need to leave the commune and come into the REAL WORLD ...that is the TAXPYERS WORLD.

  153. Serr8d, you're the slicer, oh so clever blogophile? hahaha

    Rhetoric, is not rhetorical if some do not accept it, for those proof is required. Supposition is not evidence . Labels that contain nothing other than assumptive "obvious" content are without meaning.

    let us start with "we"


    "bad-manners" shall we ?

  154. So, if the restaurant identity is secret, why shouldn't a normal person consider this to be bullshit?

  155. I recall Scott Walker promoting the value of a brown bag lunch during his election. So this is no biggie. He can bring a sandwich along and eat it in his office.

  156. When the Wealthy and powerful are booed for how they use their wealth and power it bothers me not at all. When the weak and picked on are shoved aside, then I am greatly bothered and will stand with them every time.

  157. The owners of this restaurant shouldn't be the focus of the debate. They are just the messenger by providing the venue. The message is clear. People are angry at what he is doing to the state. And they want him to know it. It's healthy for a society to express its feelings in non violent ways. This is just what the people in the restaurant were doing.

  158. My anger at Walker is probably at similar levels as the those who booed him and I would have probably reflexively done the same thing. But in retrospect: being verbally angry and venting is not the best way to win the ultimate argument - it is a mistake to confuse the immediate gratification of venting with measured action. Every protest, even one as small as this, plays out in the public arena, and should be considered in that context. Being forcefully coercive turns the public off -- it sets up the equivalency, however false, of "both sides are wrong" and "they're just as bad as him." Two non-violent alternatives: People leave the restaurant en masse or everyone becomes silent creating a very uncomfortable environment for Walker. Granted, this booing incident was spontaneous and not an organized protest, so any person trying to get people to act judiciously in this case was probably near impossible. But in general, it's so easy to get people to act up in an angry and unruly manner, and it's so much NOT what impresses the undecided public.

    Note to Serr8d: Seeing all the Tea-Partiers at healthcare meetings last year shouting down their elected officials and their neighbors with invection and vitriol puts lie to your claims. And many compliments have been made by journalists about how responsible the pro-union protestors have been in doing their own clean-ups; I have never read a single comment about tea partiers cleaning up after themselves.

  159. Serr8d: Since when did the orderlies start giving you access to the internet again?

  160. I had a friend in Melbourne that had a (serious) disagreement with the council and barred ALL county officials from eating at his establishment.
    I was very proud, cause the council was lining their own pockets and tried to ruin many a good and established business.

  161. Can Walker discriminate against collective bargaining rights of Unions....while inviting teabaggers and lobbyists to the table of power?

    Not as long as he is governor of a state; rather than leader of a Party.

    Throw the bum him how it feels.
    If labor is FORCED to serve him, THAT is slavery. Is that next?

  162. There are a few things I feel compelled to comment on:

    "The day freeloading union thugs being supported by the working taxpayer is OVER." -HELENWM

    You are aware that union benefits don't actually come out of taxpayer money, right? Might want to re-think your argument when its main pillar is based on a lie.

    "138 million non-union workers in America and only 14.7 union workers both private sector and public. So let's be clear, the unions are not speaking for middle America." -John Smithson

    Okay, let's run with this then: Scott Walker's main backers and leash-holders have a net worth of over one hundred million dollars, over 99.99% of the US population doesn't. Thus, by your logic, Scott Walker speaks far less for 'middle America' than the unions do.

    "Its fascinating to me. I live in Wisconsin, Scott walker is definitely not unpopular among the majority of people here, but definitely the vocal and entitled. Emotional protesting sells good news advertising (go media go)." -jwalks

    So are you claiming the USA Today Gallup poll which indicated over 61% of people were opposed to union-busting is nothing more than a foul, evil, liberal lie?

  163. @quiznilo
    I don't understand how according to you, "The true hate in our country lives on the left side of politics, and always has." Please explain this. Not all democrats are the evil thugs you and some others are describing. Also, when you say "and always has", are you referring to the Civil War, when the Confederacy was mostly democrat? Please have knowledge of the subjects you speak of next time. The Democratic party came into existence before the Civil War was even thought of. Just so you know.

    @Anonymous February 26, 2011 5:27 AM
    Yes, in a way these people you speak of are "great role models for kids". This can teach children and teenagers that they do have a right to organize and fight for what they believe is right, and that what they may learn in social studies or civics class can be put to action.

    You are kind of my hero. Your words give me so much hope in the United States that people exist who have sense and ethics, and do not simply agree with things, simply because they are a member of the same political party. Thank you.

    Also, I would like to clarify for everyone who would like to make a comment about the owners of the restaurant. From what I could tell from my personal investigation of this event, the owner clearly had the right to ask Scott Walker to leave. I also see absolutely no political motivation from the owner. Scott Walker was a customer of the restaurant and created a disturbance. Any other man would also be asked to leave in the situation. I would also like to agree with Nataraj Hauser's comment. Please also read that comment.

  164. If Scott Walker is bringing in death threats to the owners of an establishment, then it should be considered a terrorist act for him to be there.

    It's not discrimination when some person or party disrupts the establishment and you ask the offending party to leave. If members of KKK come in to eat, dressed in their full garb, and it causes a riot, do you blame your regular customers for the riot, or the KKK? I'm not saying Governor Walker is KKK, but in this instance, he is the reason for uproar.

  165. @quiznilo
    Also, as I was reading to expand my knowledge, I learned that Democrats pretty much started the graduated income tax, and personally I think that's a pretty good thing to have, so that the working-class people who earn $25,000 (like my mother who was single with three children) doesn't have to pay as much as a family who earns $100,000.
    I hope you agree with me.

  166. By the way, Haiku Turtle, I would love if you could friend me on FB. I am no Wasichu! :D

  167. Naomi - If Reverend Turtle does friend you; let me know and I will share some turtles with him.

  168. Djinnkitty83 : Yes, I am saying that the Gallup poll is misleading. It including 10% more Dems than Republicans and an additional 20% were family members of union workers.

    Lika's Laments said...
    If Scott Walker is bringing in death threats to the owners of an establishment, then it should be considered a terrorist act for him to be there.
    Wow. “They” threaten him and he is the terrorist !! If you have kids, obviously they never do anything for which they are responsible, either. I live in California. I have a couple of stickers on the back end of my car, but I would never put an anti-union sticker there. Want to know why? ‘Cause I would either be shot or my car would be vandalized. Guess that makes me a terrorist, also.

    Someone tell those teachers that mob rule is not “democracy in action.” Thank you.

  169. You say "mob rule", I say "supportive friends and family". Unless you were referring to the unions in which they belong, where I don't see a correlation, personally. Feel free to expand.

  170. I have my favorite ladies, Emmylou Harris is at the top of that list just a weeee bit behind my wife of 10 years. We happily married old guys have our casual fantasies. You are a close third. Your picture is absolutely beautiful and your other blog is most interesting -- and I am an old, conservative, biker dude who loves his wife, his bike (in that order) and his God overall. I must admit that I am startled at your picture.

    How's that for "expanding??!!" Look, I know I am coming off like a perv but, so be it. Sounds as if you are single parent. I was for years, and raised a couple of boys during that time. I appreciate what you have to do and the demands of life, demands that must be managed against your desire to write.

    It would be fine with me if you deleted this. I intend this as a personal compliment. A response is certainly not necessary, either.

    And,in the future, I will stay on subject.

    You come across as someone who is at peace with herself. Lots of single moms are not. Hats off to you on that as well.

    I write a political blog and get quite passionate at times. I am one of those grumpy old guys you often hear mumbling angrily to themselves as they walk past you on the street.

    Controlling one's anger is one thing. Actually being at peace is something else, entirely . . . . . or so I am told. Kind of looks like you have that first part figured out.


  171. Understand that "mob rule" is an assembly of people who reject legal remedies, preferring an exclusive agenda that meets with mob's approval to the exclusion of all other interests.

    The teachers, also known as "grown-ups," have decided to reject the legal/legislative process and the democratic notion that "elections have consequences," preferring, instead, to dictate to the larger population their particular agenda.

    Family and friends do not have the right to take the law into their own hands, and that is the effort being made, especially if we include the deserting 14 Senate Democrats.

    I would be equally critical of the GOP if they were to act in similar ways.

  172. Thank you so much for the compliments John. You have no idea how much that means to me after all the negativity. I would like to think that I am pretty secure with myself as a person, and that I am at peace with who I am. I learned long ago that if I spent my whole day worrying about whether others loved me, I would never spend time loving myself. I try to do well unto others, I try to see all sides at once, and I try to make peace where possible.

    As to the other comment, I think that direct democracy IS mob rule, but not in the violent sense. Just as this country is run by legislators, etc. it is also run by "the people", and now you're just seeing direct democracy in action. I have other interests vested in this besides just teachers, but I do have to say that I would like to see the people shaping my little girls' minds treated well, just the same as we pay doctors well to care for our bodies. So too, should teachers be paid well to take care of our minds.

    Lincoln was a "deserter" as well. I'd like to think that he did the right thing. If the 14 hadn't done what they did, this bill would have been rammed through who NO opposition whatsoever. That is mob rule, the way I see it. What do you think? (Since we are having a very civil conversation, I see no need to end it there.) :D

  173. And that should say "WITH" no opposition. LOL

  174. "The teachers, also known as "grown-ups," have decided to reject the legal/legislative process and the democratic notion that "elections have consequences," preferring, instead, to dictate to the larger population their particular agenda.

    Family and friends do not have the right to take the law into their own hands, and that is the effort being made, especially if we include the deserting 14 Senate Democrats. "

    I'd have to respectfully disagree here. First, unless I'm sorely mistaken, one of the biggest demands of the protesters (and the 14) is for the Republicans to actually follow proper legislative procedure, which includes actual debate and negotiation on the bill. When the Republicans seem to be exploiting every possible legal loophole (and quite possibly a number of illegal ones) to ram this bill through, it would appear that they are the ones who have "decided to reject the legal/legislative process". Gordon Hintz summed it up best in his angry speech on the floor.

    Second: Yes, elections have consequences. You know what shouldn't be among those consequences? Those who just got elected into power suddenly exploiting every legal loophole and using a number of illegal means to ram their personal agenda through at the expense of society. Speaking of consequences, you want to know one of the consequences of living in a country with legally protected freedom of speech? People who are fed up with being dumped upon can gather at the capitol and make sure their voices are heard.

    We live in a democracy, and maybe I'm just a silly idealist, but I believe that one of the pillars that enables this country to function is a transparent and ordered system of legislation. In other words laws are to be argued and deliberated upon in full public view so that we know exactly what our lawmakers are up to. Holding a bunch of closed-door meetings, trying to hammer out ten-minute voting sessions and midnight and doing everything in your power to lock the opposition out of the lawmaking process is not democracy.

    I've asked this before and have yet to receive any sort of answer: If this bill is the right thing to do... why are its supporters trying to push it through in all the wrong ways?

  175. Djinnkitty, are you speaking of ObamaCare or of the union-damping bill in Wisconsin? Your comment might work for either.

    With the exception, of course, that 1500 teacher won't get laid off; and that all the teachers can now realize a 'raise', in that they won't have to pay up to $1000/yr each in union dues.

    Overall, this process was good for the USA, having shined a light on the unholy alliance between public-sector unions and the Democratic party. Hopefully this will expand to every state.

    If you really think unions are good for the political process here in America, well, think on it some more and get back to me. After you've found Jimmy Hoffa.

  176. I'd reply, but that assumes there's something there to reply to. You're using my username... yet what you say has nothing to do with my post. In fact, as far as I can tell it doesn't have much to do with anything. Some vague, nonsensical talking points spewed out in a semi-coherent mishmash.

    Please, do elaborate a little on this. Because so far all I've got from this is you apparently believe that unions and democrats worship Satan together, or something.

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